De invloed van persoonlijke factoren en comorbide stoornissen op het behandeleffect van Mindfit voor cliënten met een depressieve stoornis (ROM onderzoek)


Recently there have been changes in the structure of the Dutch mental health care system. One of the main changes was a shift of responsibility from the Eerstelijnszorg (Engl. Primary Health Care) towards the Tweedelijnszorg (Engl. Secondary Health Care). The Mindfit intervention is part of the restructured Eerstelijnszorg, which aims to treat individuals who encounter themselves suffering from various mental diseases. Up to this date there have not been many studies investigating the impact of the recent changes on the treatment outcome of mental ill people and which determinants influence the effect. Therefore it is important to research the effectiveness of the Mindfit intervention, taking into account issues that were faced by the old structured mental health care system and evaluate whether these were overcome. By researching this topic, a contribution might be made towards the optimization of mental health care in the Netherlands.

Doel onderzoek:
The goal of the current study is to investigate the effectiveness of treatment offered by the Mindfit intervention among patients of various mental diseases. Thereby the factors of gender and educational level will be taken into account as known issues of the old structured system, in order to evaluate the recent changes. Moreover, the current study will investigate the effectiveness of the Mindfit intervention in the treatment of the Somatic Symptom Disorder and whether recent changes in the health care system had a negative impact on the treatment.

Centrale vraagstelling en deelvragen:
The main research question of the current study is as following: “Does the restructuring of the Dutch mental health care system result in an improved treatment of patients suffering from mental disease?”
In order to answer the research question the following sub-question will be considered:
I. Do men and women suffering from PTSD benefit equally from treatment given by the Mindfit intervention?
II. Do individuals with a low, middle and high educational level improve equally in their mental health through the Mindfit intervention?
III. Is the Mindfit intervention appropriate in the treatment of SSD patients, as traditional CBT?


Universiteit Twente

In kader van:
Psychologie, UT
Duur van het onderzoek:
januari 2017 tot juli 2017
Vincent van Bruggen