VRT-SOAP - Virtual Reality Treatment for improving SOcial Activities and Participation of young people with psychosis


Young people with a psychotic disorder have the same social goals as their healthy peers, but their social networks are smaller, they participate less often in leisure activities and are less successful in work and education. Causes of these problems are multifaceted, but culminate in difficulties with interacting in daily life social situations. Current treatments have only moderate effects on social functioning. To this end VR-SOAP, a Virtual Reality treatment for improving Social Activities and Participation was developed. VR-SOAP is a VR treatment of 14 sessions, focusing on enhancing quantity and quality of SOcial contacts, leisure Activities and Participation of young people with a psychotic disorder. The VRT-SOAP intervention will have four optional modules (1-4) and one fixed module (5): 1. Neurocognition and negative symptoms, 2. Social cognition, 3. Paranoid ideations and Social anxiety, 4. Self-esteem and Self-stigma, and 5. Communication and Interaction skills. After preparation and piloting, a single-blind randomized controlled trial is conducted with 116 participants. VRT-SOAP is compared with VRelax, VR video relaxation in combination with stress management psycho-education. Primary outcome is quantity and quality of social contacts, leisure activities and participation, measured with ecological momentary assessments. The effects of the two conditions are compared at the end of treatment and six months later.


UCP, GGZ drenthe, GGZ NHN, Mentrum, Dimence

In kader van:
Promotie extern (RUG)
Duur van het onderzoek:
februari 2022 tot december 2025
Gepersonaliseerde zorg en Zelfmanagement, Gezondheidstechnologie
In uitvoering
Ivo Meins