Chakhssi, Farid

Translation and Validation of the Dutch Short Form of the Five Factor Narcissism Inventory: The FFNI-SF-NL. Is er een samenhang tussen persoonlijkheidskenmerken en zelfkritiek, schaamte en zelfcompassie.

Narcissism is characterized by features such as grandiosity, feelings of entitlement, and lack of empathy for others. Several studies have revealed that narcissism is composed of, at minimum, 2 distinguishable core dimensions – grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism – with different nomological networks. More recently, (factor-analytic) studies showed that these core dimensions of narcissism can better be understood as being composed of three factors: agentic extraversion; antagonism; neuroticism. The Five Factor Narcissism Inventory (148 items) is the only inventory for the assessment of narcissism that encompasses both its grandiose and vulnerable dimensions as well as its agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic factors. In addition, a 60-item FFNI short form (FFNI-SF) was developed. The present study aims to translate and validate a Dutch version of the FFNI-SF in an adult healthy and a clinical sample, as no such version currently exists. The study will follow established forward-backward methodology for translation and pretesting. Internal consistency and reliability of the two dimensions and three factors will be established. Additionally, the internal construct validity of the 15 traits within the three factors will be examined. Finally, external construct validity, specifically convergent validity, will also be examined. The second aim of this study was to explore the associations between the narcissism core dimensions and factors on one hand, and shame, self-criticism and self-compassion on the other.