Deelonderzoek van The SPAA Study: Sensory Processing and Aggressive behavior in Autism spectrum disorders. Case Series


Sensory processing difficulties can be associated with a wide range of symptomatology (Ben-Avi, Almagor & Engel-Yeger, 2012), for example aggressive behaviors. Especially within the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) sensory processing difficulties and aggressive behaviors are strongly associated (Boogert et al., 2020, in prep.). Both ASD and aggressive behaviors are overrepresented in forensic mental health care institutions (Bosch, Chakhssi & Hummelen, 2020; Dickens, Picchioni & Long, 2013). Focus of the present qualitative case series is the perceived value of sensory processing diagnostics in therapies with treatment goals concerning aggressive behaviors especially inside the forensic mental healthcare sector. Therefore, a semi structured interview will be conducted with 4 therapists and each one of their patients who all report different combinations of the ASD diagnosis, sensory processing difficulties and treatment within a forensic institution. The sensory processing profile of the patients will be quantified with the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP; Brown & Dunn, 2002). With the Aggression - Questionnaire Short Form (AQ-SF; Bryant & Smith, 2001) and the Reactive Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ; Raine et al., 2006) we will examine the patients’ aggression. We expect that the inclusion of the sensory profiles will be perceived by both patients and therapists as valuable and helpful for the achievement of the treatment goals in the therapies.


Samenwerkingsproject tussen Transfore, Erasmus MC en Universiteit Twente en Universiteit van Kassel (Duitsland)

In kader van:
Deelonderzoek promotie Frank van den Boogert Extra project masteronderzoek Universiteit van Kassel (Duitsland)
Duur van het onderzoek:
september 2020 tot juni 2022
Preventie en levensloop
Frank van den Boogert