Mesifos II: Voorspellers van remissie en herstel in een eerste episode psychose cohort: een 7-jaars follow-up studie


Objective To examine predictors of remission and recovery in a first episode psychosis cohort after 7 years of follow-up. Method A cohort of first episode psychosis patients who were stably remitted for at least 6 months (N=128) during their first year of treatment was followed-up after 7 years. Baseline demographic, clinical and functional data had been collected as part of another trial . Criteria for symptomatic remission were adopted from Andreasen et al (2005), criteria for functional remission were based on below threshold scores on a unctional disability scale, and recovery was defined as meeting both criteria sets. Predictors of symptom remission, functional remission and recovery at 7 years follow-up were examined. Results At 7 year follow-up 68% of patients were in symptom remission, 33% were in functional remission and 29% were recovered. Recovery was predicted by baseline negative symptoms (P=.004). Functional remission was predicted by baseline negative symptoms (P=.011) and social functioning (P=.037) . Symptom remission was only predicted by shorter Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) (P=.021). Conclusion Baseline negative symptoms predicted long term outcome in first episode psychosis, both in terms of recovery and functional remission, even as living alone at onset of illness. However, symptomatic outcome on the long run was mainly determined by the DUP, shorter DUP predicting symptom remission.


RGOc samenwerking: GGZ Drenthe, UMCG, GGZ Friesland, Mediant, Dimence

Titel engels:
Predictors of Remission and Recovery in First Episode Psychosis: a 7-year follow-up study
In kader van:
Mesifos follow-up studie, vervolg op de oorspronkelijk MESIFOS studie uit 2002.
Duur van het onderzoek:
januari 2009 tot januari 2011
Fokko Nienhuis